"Fathers" Gets Stuck In The Trenches

Clint Eastwood’s long, sparse epic “Flags of our Fathers” is an Anti-War war movie. According to the director, all war is bad. Bad for both sides. Bad for everybody. Countries use it to lie to their people to raise money. Foolish campaigns are carried out where thousands of troops die in a needless massacre. Every soldier is expendable. Every lie becomes propaganda. And nothing is ever worth the sacrifice.

The movie is visually arresting, with impeccable production design and period-drama precision. Everything, from the warships to the battlefield to the mainland, looks and feels authentic. The wide shots of the approaching armada at Iwo Jima are an awesome spectacle. 880 ships converging on this tiny little island is amazing to see.

The strength of the film is in the battle scenes. We are right there in the thick of it, grinding the black volcanic soil beneath out boots. The mortar shells, the machine guns, the confusion and panic. The horror and despair. “I’m no hero,” one of the characters says. “I was just trying not to get killed.” Scrambling among other 18 and 19-year olds, it seemed as if no one was in charge and nobody cared if you died.

And that’s the main problem with “Flags.” It never rises above the trenches. Oh, it gives complete honor and respect to the fighting men of our armed forces. There’s no question about that. But what were they fighting for? We’re never confronted with the larger struggle. We don’t see the global threat.

This was a world at war with Nazi Fascism and Militant Communism, the outcome of which could have dominated and oppressed the entire population of Europe and Asia, not to mention the looming takeover of the West. These enemies were truly evil, and had exterminated not only 6 million Jews, but countless masses across Europe. They blitzed London in the dead of night. They bombed us at Pearl Harbor. Good people had to fight back. And today’s freedom is the result.

But you’ll never hear that from “Flags of our Fathers.”

There’s a companion piece to this film, the upcoming “Letters from Iwo Jima,” which chronicles the horrors of war from Japan’s perspective. With its rushed release this Winter the filmmakers can say, “See audience? We’re not the good guys. They weren’t the bad guys. It’s war that’s bad! Bad! Bad! Bad!” And that’s the message, pounded home by guns, bombs, flash bulbs and trumpets. All war is bad, so you shouldn’t fight for anything. Let’s just hope the people who take over our country are really, really nice to us when we surrender.

Maybe You Should Just... Stop.

She went there. Right in the middle of dinner.
She went right out there and said it.

"You didn’t really hope for gay children, did you?"


“I just think... any parent would want a normal child.”

An explosion of anger, hate and frustration, all directed toward Meredith, the one houseguest in "The Family Stone" that dared to call into question the legitimacy of homosexuality.

What is it about this topic, above all others, that ingnites such a flashfire of emotion? Just the mere mention of it can inflame heated debate in seconds, and turn friends and family against eachother with such ferocity that mending those relationships can take a lifetime.

What do we do about it? And specifically, what do we do when it's not just on TV, not just in the movies, not just a political agenda, but it comes into our own personal private home?

Those were the questions we grappled with at our last two meetings of THE DECODER RING. We watched "The Family Stone" and worked through our very strong reactions to the obvious agenda in the movie: that of the acceptance and encouragement of homosexuality and the promotion of gay adoption.

We slogged through all the arguments that the gay agenda rides on these days, from the ubsunstantiated claim of biological determinism, to the 10 percent myth, to the most dangerous lie of all, that "God made me this way." We watched scenes from several films that promote the gay agenda, the most prevalent being the Victim/Sympathy ploy, and the ever-popular Demonization of Opponents (Ad Hominem) argument.

There was SO much to go through that we just couldn't take it all in and process it. So we hosted an encore screening to address the developmental view of this disorder, to gain further insight and empathy for those who stuggle with it. And both times we went to the only place where we could gain clarity and direction: God's Word. The Bible spoke confidently and clearly about the fallen nature of man, and the need for redemption. Jesus calls all people to Himself, and never requires us to "clean up" before we come to him (Matthew 9:10-13).

So what is our response? To extend only grace and love in our one-on-one conversations with people who wrestle with ANY type of sin, especially this one. We are to reserve judgment for God alone, and rest in the comfort that He doesn't need our help to change lives. But He can make us witness to the wonderful transforming power of Jesus and the cross.

Our journey with the Lord is far from over. He has so much to teach us, and we need to be ready to face the difficult topics and let Him change our minds. And that's what THE DECODER RING is all about. See you next time. God bless.

We Will Try To Behave Like A Civilized Family

rated PG13 (for language and drug references)

Written and Directed by
Thomas Bezucha

Starring Sarah Jessica Parker,
Diane Keaton, Dermot Mulroney,
Rachel McAdams, Luke Wilson,
Claire Danes, and Craig T. Nelson.

By popular demand, join us for a special
at the Church Office!

MARK 5:19b - "Go home to your family and tell them how much
the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you."

Read more about THE FAMILY STONE at IMDB

On With The Show!

THE DECODER RING is a monthly discipleship ministry devoted to comparing timeless biblical principles with modern movies. We seek to be equipped with God's truth so we can engage our culture with clarity and reason. We choose to confront the lies and confusion eminating from the screen. And we don't shy away from movies that contain uncomfortable subject matter. blank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank space
So, once a month we transform the Church Office into a theater complete with a big screen, surround sound and movie munchies!

After the screening, we examine the film's messages and seek God's Word for our response. We always have a great discussion, and at the end of our time we pray for the filmmakers, the Industry, and any other needs that come to mind. blank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank space spaceblank space Our next meeting will be on Saturday, October 21 at 7:00pm at the Church Office, located at 2410 West Olive Street in Burbank. blank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank spaceblank
Grab your bible, a bag of popcorn, and join us! See you then!

Do You Understand What I'm Telling You?

Oh, the sweet, sweet sound of clarity.

After watching the manipulative masterpiece V FOR VENDETTA, I am overflowing with gratefulness to God for giving us His Word, the Bible. Without it, we would truly be stumbling in the darkness. The film has so many ploys to seduce us, so many theories to unravel, so many lies to expose. We need the “the true light” (John 1:9) to see where we are going!

I wrote about V FOR VENDETTA when it first came out in theaters, so if you want, you can read my essay by clicking here. This entertaining and dangerous film has a lot of ideas about terrorism and politics, with a decidedly secular humanist bent. We discussed a wide range of topics: from the original creators’ intent to the modern adaptation by the screenwriters, the cinematic language of the film, the political and academic “arguments” it makes, and finally the biblical response to all of this.

We learned that Alan Moore and David Lloyd originally set out to create a comic book dealing with the issues of Anarchy and Fascism, directly influenced by the Thatcherite government of Britain in the 1980s. We also discovered how Andy and Larry Wachowski modernized the story into what Moore calls a “Bush-era parable,” focusing more on politics and Evey’s relationship with V, as well as her subsequent transformation into a terrorist. We also heard from Natalie Portman, who commented on different interpretations of the film.

We talked about the political statements made in V FOR VENDETTA, which insist that a religious, conservative government would become oppressive and totalitarian. We learned the meaning of the terms Fascism and Terrorist and how they are applied inconsistently today. We also talked about the very concept of the meaning of words, and how modern education is pushing a confusing mindset of pluralism. Finally, we delved into the logical fallacies (bad arguments) the film presents, and discovered the weaknesses in each one of them.

And then, like a breath of fresh air, we opened God’s Word.

His love and clarity shone bright like the sun and melted away all the clouds of confusion. The “wisdom” of man was revealed to be false, and God’s truth was lifted up. And the real message of the movie was revealed: that man fears judgment. We read from the Bible that we are no longer slaves to fear (Romans 8:15) and that perfect love drives it out (1 John 4:18). We learned about God’s righteous judgment, and how men reject it and approve of others who do so (Romans 1:32). We also focused on 1 Timothy 6:3-5, where man’s wisdom is refuted once and for all. In the end, we dwelt on our response to others’ sinful behavior: that we must give grace, mercy, and forgiveness, just as Christ has forgiven us (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

We ended, as always, with a time of prayer for the filmmakers and actors. We prayed for them to be exposed to the truth, and to be drawn to stories that explore themes of goodness, nobility, and honor.

This was our first Double Feature! So we all come back on Monday night and watched the excellent, disturbing, yet profoundly moving film UNITED 93. This more than anything is the modern “answer” to the ambiguity of V FOR VENDETTA. The obviously evil attacks on our country on September 11, 2001 have left us a divided nation. Today, unbelievably, there is confusion as to who our enemies really are. This film not only clarifies that, but honors the average Americans on that flight who stood up and fought back. UNITED 93 is a film you need only see once. But it needs to be seen.

After the film, we watched news footage captured on 9/11, with the lead-off being “we’re just getting word of a plane that crashed in Pennsylvania…” This solidified the day in our minds. Five years later, we did the unpleasant act of opening old wounds, so we could be broken enough to pray God’s heart over our nation and the world. We prayed for the United States. We prayed for the president. We prayed for the families and friends of the innocents killed that day. And finally, we prayed for our enemies; that those who would do us harm in the name of their ideology would come to know Jesus. This verse typifies that prayer:

2 PETER 3:9
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming to our meetings. God has great things in store for us. See you next time at The Decoder Ring. Take Care.

I Wish I Wasn't Afraid All The Time


rated R (for violence and sexual themes)

Written by
David Lloyd and Alan Moore
Written for the screen by
Andy and Larry Wachowski

Directed by James McTeigue

Starring Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Steven Rea, Stephen Fry, and John Hurt.

Join us SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 at 7:00pm at the Church Office!

ISAIAH 5:20 - Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Read more about V for Vendetta at IMDB

We Have To Do Something!



UNITED 93 (2006)
rated R (for violence and terror)

Written and Directed by
Paul Greengrass

Based on the true story.

Join us MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at 7:00pm at the Church Office.

LAMENTATIONS 3:21-22 - Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

Read more about United 93 at IMDB

Donate to the Flight 93 National Memorial

You Never Had A Camera In My Head

What can I say? After our encore screening of THE TRUMAN SHOW, I was humbled and honored by everyone who came. So many blessings. First, Derek and Terri set up the room before I even arrived (thanks guys!). Second, a new plasma screen was donated to the church (thanks God!). And Third, God's people were hungry to learn (thanks everybody!). His truth swept through the room and sharpened us all. Amazing.

THE TRUMAN SHOW centers on the life of Truman Burbank, the unwitting star of an incredibly popular 24-hour reality TV show. Everyone and everything in Truman's life is fake, manipulated and controlled. His wife and best friend are actors who pretend to love him. His world is protected and perfect. And Truman is the only one who is real and genuine. But he begins to suspect a vast conspiracy to keep him from following his dreams. After a daring escape and a near-fatal voyage, Truman finally speaks with the show's Creator; and makes a choice that will change his destiny forever.

We learned about the film's director, Peter Weir, who continually revisits the theme of enclosed societies with oppressive and absent fathers. We discussed how Andrew Niccol, the screenwriter, pores over man's relationship with technology and its dehumanizing effects. And we enjoyed the marvelous score by Burkhard Dallwitz and Philip Glass. We also took note of how Jim Carrey eventually followed up this film with BRUCE ALMIGHTY, where again he talks to "God."

All of us, at some point in our lives, feel like pawns. Events in life seem orchestrated to remove our choices and keep us in a cage. Does God really care about us? Or are we just toys? Cosmic amusements?

We contrasted THE TRUMAN SHOW with the biblical account found in Genesis 3. We learned that, unlike the film, God was in constant contact with Adam, gave him choices, and truly cared about him. Adam wanted to stay in God's perfect place. But because Adam sinned, the Lord actually had to force him to leave! "He drove the man out" of the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24), and Adam forever longed to have his relationship with God restored.

2 Corinthians 1:3 tells us God is "the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort." And 1 Timothy 6:17 reveals that He "richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." Psalm 139 says, "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me" and reminds us to request of Him, "Search me, O God, and know my heart." We have a loving and involved Creator who wants only the best for us! Let's come to Him will all our cares and concerns.

At the end of our meeting we had a time of prayer. We asked for strength that we would face life's obstacles with the knowledge that God is refining us and making us more like Him. We thanked God that He is a loving and compassionate Father. And, as always, we prayed for the cast and crew of the film, that they would be interested in stories that accurately portray God's relationship with his people.

Interested? Ready to come next time? Well, our Big Fall Kick-Off is SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 at 7:00 PM !

Join us at the Church Office for the only show in town that offers Movies and a Message, Popcorn and Prayer. Questions? Comments? Send us an email at thedecoderring@yahoo.com and we'll help you out. And check back to this website for more details. See you soon!

I am the Creator... of a Television Show

rated PG
(for mild language)

Written by Andrew Niccol
Directed by Peter Weir

Starring Jim Carrey, Laura Linney,
Noah Emmerich, Natascha McElhone,
Paul Giamatti, and Ed Harris.

Special Encore Presentation
SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 at 7:00pm at the Church Office!

ISAIAH 41:29- See, they are all false! Their deeds amount to nothing;
their images are but wind and confusion.

Read more about The Truman Show at IMDB

We Won't Be Speaking With Emily Tonight

Of all things, a horror movie turned into one of the best DECODER RING screenings ever! Even my wife came out to watch "The Exorcism of Emily Rose," and she's no fan of scary movies! We got deep into Scott Derrickson's courtoom tale of possession, with its battles between faith and logic, the spiritual realm and the court of law. We found out how much was really "based on a true story," and marvelled at Jennifer Carpenter's harrowing performance in the film.

"The Exorcism of Emily Rose" is a courtoom drama about a Catholic priest on trial for his role in the death of a disturbed young woman. Was his youthful parishoner, Emily Rose suffering from a serious medical condition? Or was she invaded by demonic spirits who took control of her body? We heard eyewitness accounts, expert professional testimony, and the impassioned pleas of both the Prosecution and the Defense. But more importantly, we were confronted with two questions. Do demons exist? And what do you believe happened to Emily Rose?

We learned that "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" is based on the story of Anneliese Michel, a young Austrian woman who suffered from bizarre and frightening conditions from 1968 until her death on July 1, 1976. Her story, known as The Klingenberg Case, brought legal action against two priests who went to trial and were found guilty of negligent homicide. To this day her grave is an unofficial holy shrine, where many Christians still make pilgrammige. Borrowing several elements from this case and other stories of possession, the filmmakers crafted a modern yet timeless tale of belief and skepticism.

We dispelled the movie's notion that there is some inherent spiritual signifigance to 3:00 AM, recognizing it as a storytelling tool and nothing more. We noted that the director is a Christian who chose wisely to give the film a balanced view between faith and fact. We dove into the Bible regarding Jesus driving out demons and how they must submit to his authority (Luke 4:33-37 and 9:37-43). We focused on our total dependence on God (Ephesians 1:18-23), because apart from it we would be ripped to shreds, like the non-believers in Acts 19:13-16.

We also worked on our "marching orders" of how prayer, reading the word, and being in authentic relationships with other believers creates a hedge of protection around our lives. And as is our tradition, we prayed for the filmmakers and actors, that they would be open to God's leading and be drawn to projects that emulate his will.

Curious? You've gotta come out to our next meeting! Watch a movie, study the Word, and train your brain. It's not just entertainment, it's education and fellowship! See you soon!

There Are Forces Surrounding This Trial...

rated PG13
(for intense horrific scenes and subject matter)

Based on a True Story

Written for the screen by
Paul Harris Boardman
and Scott Derrickson

Directed by Scott Derrickson

Starring Laura Linney, Tom Wilkinson,
Campbell Scott and Jennifer Carpenter.

Watch it with us SATURDAY, JULY 1st at 7:00pm
at the Church Office!

JUDE 1:22-23a - Be merciful to those who doubt;
snatch others from the fire and save them;
to others show mercy, mixed with fear.

Read more about The Exorcism of Emily Rose at IMDB

Is This A Chocolaterie Or Is It A Confessional?

Again the Holy Spirit totally amazes me. THE DECODER RING had its biggest group yet come out for our screening of "Chocolat." We delved into Joanne Harris' fairytale world of sweet delights. We learned how her upbringing, filled with food, folklore, and magic influenced both the novel and the film. And we enjoyed the incredible performances of all the delightful characters, under the watchful direction of Lasse Hallstrom.

"Chocolat" is a reverse-morality tale about a little French village steeped in tradition and tranquility. One day a woman and her daughter come to town and decide to open a chocolate shop, right at the beginning of Lent. The Count, the self-proclaimed patriarch of the village, locks horns with Vianne, the shop owner and outsider. A mini culture war ensues. Soon the villagers are caught in a battle between religious tradition and secular liberty.

We talked about the trappings of convention, and the true nature of our freedom in Christ. We learned that because our eternal destiny is secure, we have more than enough license to take risks and see what God would do in our lives. We examined how modern movies constantly assign Christian attributes to non-Christian characters. We dug into the story of John 4:4-26 where Jesus went out of his way to speak with a Samaritan woman whom his society had rejected, and drew parallels between that story and "Chocolat." We learned the devastating effects of pre-judging others who are different than us. We examined the character of Vianne, and how she naturally and effortlessly listened to anyone she came in contact with. We were also challenged to be Christ's ears and truly be there for other people.

As always, we ended with prayer for all the people involved with the movie. We thanked Him for their talent and artistry, and we prayed that they would be drawn to stories that honor the Lord and extol His virtues. We also prayed for a more honest and genuine relationship with Jesus so we can love everyone who crosses our path.

Want to check out this "Scripture and a Screening" ministry? Come join us Saturday, July 1 at the Church Office for the next meeting of THE DECODER RING! See you there!

I've Got Just The Thing For You...

CHOCOLAT (2000) rated PG13
(for sensuality and some violence)

From the novel by Joanne Harris

Written for the screen by
Robert Nelson Jacobs

Directed by
Lasse Hallström

Starring Juliette Binoche, Johnny Depp, Alfred Molina,
Judi Dench, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Lena Olin.

Watch it with us SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd at 7:00pm
at the Church Office!

GALATIANS 5:13 - "You, my brothers, were called to be free.
But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature;
rather, serve one another in love."

Read more about CHOCOLAT on IMDB

Click here for directions to the church office

Witness The Greatest Cover-Up in Human History

I’ve read the novel.
I’ve seen the movie.

The novel is fiction.
Says so on the inside cover,
right before page 1.

The movie is fiction.
Ron Howard and Tom Hanks
have both stated this.

The controversy however, is real.

The theories raised in the book and the movie have people talking.

Should you see the movie? That's up to you. As movies go, I thought it was okay. I would have done it differently were I the director, but I say that about a lot of movies. I honestly think the real conspiracy was that Sony Pictures planted incredibly negative reviews of the film prior to its release so that after the general public went to see it, they would say "It's not that bad."

Alrighty. Countless articles have been written about The Da Vinci Code. If you want to learn even more about the details regarding the historical inaccuracies and spiritual dangers surrounding the book and movie, please grab a copy of Josh McDowall's "The Da Vinci Code: A Quest for Answers" and visit www.markdroberts.com which was written by a pastor with firsthand knowledge of some of the ancient documents described in the book.

So, instead of replying to every single bit of error and falsehood, I thought I would narrow it down to our perspective here at THE DECODER RING. Here's the breakdown:

THE BIG IDEA is that The Church has been covering up the true nature of Jesus Christ, the actual role of women (specifically Mary Magdalene) in ancient religion, and the descendents of Jesus and Mary Magdalene's offspring.

THE MYSTERY is the location of "The Holy Grail," which is revealed not to be a cup, but to actually be Mary Magdalene herself. The Holy Grail refers to Mary Magdalene's body and sarcophagus along with ancient writings called "The Sangreal Documents."

THE CODES are hidden in ancient writings, historical locations, and famous works of art like Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper."

THE CONCLUSION is that all of this proves Jesus was merely mortal (and therefore not divine), that he married and impregnated Mary Magdalene, and that their descendants survive to this very day. The Church covered it up in an attempt to maintain its control over people, its opression of women, and its suppression of the role that females and human sexuality play in religion (what the novel calls "The Sacred Feminine.")

Our response:
The sources and research Dan Brown used to support his fictional novel do not hold up under even the slightest scrutiny. Factual, historical, religious, and chronological errors permeate both the book and the movie. Yet the combination of all these elements within the context of a mystery/thriller have proven to be very appealing.

Many have read the novel. More will see the film. I believe the film is actually more dangerous. It melts into a postmodern "belief soup" where it doesn't really matter what you believe, or why you believe it, it only matters that your belief is real to you. How very trendy.

Sheesh! With that mindset, I guess even evidence doesn't matter.
But in reality, it does.

The Bible is the most accurate historical document in the history of the planet. In it, Jesus Christ is clearly shown to be both human and divine. He was born, he lived, died, and rose again. His life changed history. His birth changed the calendar. His followers changed the world. And people every day experience how a personal relationship with Him can change their lives. Nothing "The Da Vinci Code" or any other convoluted theory comes up with can refute that.

So dive in. Start researching. It won't take you too long to debunk all the hooey surrounding this publishing and cinematic "phenomenon." And then talk to people. You'll be amazed how the Holy Spirit will set up opportunities to speak boldy for Jesus. Take care, and God bless.

To return to the screening response page, click here.

It's Not Like in the Books

Wow. What an amazing time. Saturday night we wrestled with the convoluted and contradictory teachings about the spiritual world in the film "Constantine." We discovered the origins of the main character, John Constantine, and how he was developed by four different creators; half of whom are involved in the practice of the occult. We followed changes to the character as the comic was adapted to film, and how the throughline of the movie got diluted because there were too many writers and producers involved in the script.

"Constantine" is about a man with the gift of spiritual sight. A former attempted suicide, he works tirelessly but selfishly to deport demons in our world back to hell in hopes to gain entrance into heaven for all his good works. He meets a female police officer investigating the mystery surrounding her twin sister's apparant suicide. On their journey they encounter "half-breed" demons and angels, and cross over to both heaven and hell. They work together to stop a demonic plot of world domination, eventually facing off with satan himself.

We talked about the true nature of celestial beings, and how the devil is constantly and erroneously portrayed in TV and movies to be as powerful as God. We got a true history lesson of the spirit realm from Revelation 12:7-12 which starts out with one of the most fascinating lines in the Bible, "And there was war in heaven." We also unpacked scriptures regarding who we are in Christ and the authority we have in Him over the enemy. Finally, we highlighted the powerful weapon of prayer to thwart the schemes of the devil, and God's amazing power to act on behalf of his children.

We ended with a focused time of prayer for Alan Moore, Jamie Delano, Garth Ennis, Grant Morrison, Akiva Goldsman, Lauren Shuler Donner, and Francis Lawrence. We continue to praise God for the victory He has already given us in Christ, and the hope of our future in heaven.

Mark your calendars! It looks like our meetings will be on the first Saturday of every month. So come on out to the Church Office and join us for next month's meeting of THE DECODER RING!

The Spiritual World of

CONSTANTINE (2005) rated R
(for fantasy violence and intense scenes.)
From the DC/Vertigo comic book
"Hellblazer" written by
Jamie Delano and Garth Ennis.

Written for the screen by
Kevin Brodbin and Frank Capello.

Directed by Francis Lawrence

Starring Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Shia LaBeuf,
Djimon Hounsou, and Tilda Swinton.

Watch it with us SATURDAY, MAY 6th at 7:00pm
at the Church Office!

EPHESIANS 6:12 - "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers
of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms."

Read more about CONSTANTINE on IMDB

Click here for directions to the church office

Okay To Go

We had another wonderful screening at THE DECODER RING, this time focusing on the most basic of all human questions: Is there a God? We watched the film "Contact" and discussed how the film presents religious characters and faith in light of its author, Carl Sagan, a committed atheist.

"Contact" is about a scientist whose sole ambition is to discover intelligent life somewhere else in the universe. On her journey she has a relationship with a religious man, who challenges her way of thinking. When she intercepts a signal from deep space, she is embroiled in a political and cultural debate that rattles the nations.

We had a discussion about the nature of faith, and how religious characters are portrayed in the modern media. We also dug into the question "Where did Cain's wife come from?" and examined the biblical account in Genesis 4. We talked a lot about why we believe, which ultimately led us back to Jesus...
He is the only "argument" or "proof" we ever need! Again, we ended with a sweet and refreshing time of prayer.

Curious? Want to join us next time? Another screening is coming soon! Feel free to leave your comments and I'll post them to the blog! Or you can email me at thedecoderring@yahoo.com

Prepare To Make...

CONTACT (1997) rated PG
Written by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan (story)
James V. Hart and Michael Goldenberg (screenplay)
Directed by Robert Zemeckis

Starring Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey,

Tom Skerritt, James Woods, and John Hurt

Watch it with us Saturday, April 8th at 6:30pm at the Church Office.

Matthew 22:37 - Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind.'

Read more about Contact on IMDB

Click here for directions to the church office

Throw your hat into the RING!

Hello again, fellow RINGers!
The next meeting in our screening series will be
Saturday, April 8, 2006 at 6:30pm at the
church office.

We'll have some goodies, watch a throught-provoking movie, and compare the film's messages with God's unchanging Word. We had a great time at the last screening, and I just can't wait to see how God wants to bless us this time around. Hope to see you there!

V for Vendetta - Terrorist Traning Film?

I just got back from a preview screening of the new film “V for Vendetta.” I could barely believe what I saw. This may turn out to be the most popular piece of modern propaganda yet directed toward our young people. I am almost positive it will be the #1 movie this weekend and the most talked about film this year so far since “Brokeback Mountain.” The only difference being, I believe more people (specifically those ages 15-34) will actually see “V for Vendetta.”

The story centers around Evey, played by Natalie Portman, and her relationship with V, played by a masked Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith from “The Matrix”), an anti-hero who the government considers a terrorist. He wears the mask of Guy Fawkes, a notorious man in Britain’s past who tried unsuccessfully to blow up Parliament. V is on a revenge trip to destroy the now Religious Totalitarian England, controlled by the Chancellor (played by John Hurt). Portman’s character is put through so much in the film that she winds up sympathizing with V and eventually partaking in terrorism.

I don’t have time to tell you everything about the film. But I wanted you to know that as an audience member, the film strings you along on an emotional journey as you watch Portman’s character go from being an innocent victim, to prisoner, to government detainee; and then to actually being grateful that she’s been brainwashed into terrorism! It ends with the much-publicized (so I’m not giving anything away here) utter destruction of Parliament in a terrorist explosion and fireworks that are set off from London’s underground train system as V’s acolytes look on.

Although the focus of the story is London, it’s quite obviously a smokescreen for the Liberal fear of a total Conservative Christian State, where free-thinkers, homosexuals, and activists will undoubtedly be rounded up, subjected to torture, and finally mass-executed. The Iraq war is alluded to, as is a government detainee camp. America is mentioned as being reduced to third world status. And the Big Idea is that the government is responsible for all the things we’re told to be afraid of (terrorism, biological attacks).

What disturbed me so much about the film is how it, quite frankly, called that which is evil to be good, and what is good, evil. The villains of this story are corrupt government officials, religious hypocrites, a pedophile Catholic priest, and above all, the Chancellor himself (the conservative “President,” so to speak). The heroes/victims are peace activists, gay men, lesbian teens/women, and in the end, terrorists and their followers. It even goes so far as to say that appreciating the Koran and displaying images of gay photography are courageous and noble things to do!

All the print ads have the look and feel of propaganda art, and that’s no coincidence. This movie is totally direct in its message. What kills me is that most young people (who believe all the falsehood spread by the mass media) will actually think they’re smart enough not to be fooled by what they consider to be propaganda; go to the movie, and fall hook, line, and sinker for it anyway! And why? Because this propaganda, much like “Fahrenheit 9/11,” will line up perfectly with the fantasy world they already believe in; where Bush is a liar, the government is the enemy, and Conservatives and Christians are evil.

If you see “V for Vendetta” this weekend, know that it's rated R and has scenes of violence, torture, and some sexuality. You will also witness firsthand how this new way of brainwashing is affecting our young people. We need to be ready once more to come to the defense of our beliefs in today’s divided culture. God bless.

To return to my post regarding The Decoder Ring's double feature screening of V for Vendetta, click here.

Great first meeting! More to come!

God is good.

The first meeting of THE DECODER RING was a success! We transformed the church office into a movie theater, complete with a plasma widescreen monitor (thanks God!) and had the room wired for Dolby Digital (thanks Derek!). We stocked the shelves with goodies, and
watched the film "Pleasantville" in all its digital glory. The Lord provided exceedingly and abundantly. Gee, that sounds familiar :-)

For those of you who haven't seen the film, "Pleasantville" is about a teenage brother and sister who get zapped into the wholesome, black-and-white world of a
50's sitcom. When they bring modern sensibilities into this closed world, the residents start to see color for the first time, and a mini culture war erupts. The fate of the town hangs in the balance.

After the movie we had a great discussion about the film's distortion of the Garden of Eden story in Genesis 3, and its confusion over what it is that truly liberates people. We ended with a time of prayer, focusing on people we know who need healing. We also prayed for Gary Ross, the film and TV industry, and even the Oscars!

If you're still curious what it's all about, we're gearing up for another screening next month. So take care, God bless... and if you have anything you want to add to the discussion, leave your comments and I'll post them to the blog! Or you can email me at thedecoderring&yahoo.com (
click on "view my complete profile" for the link).

See you at church AND at the movies!

And The First Screening Is...

PLEASANTVILLE (1998) rated PG13
Written and Directed by Gary Ross

Starring Tobey Maguire, Reese Witherspoon,
Joan Allen, Jeff Daniles, William H. Macy and J.T. Walsh

Join us Saturday, March 4th at 7:00pm at the Church Office.
Bring your Bibles and your thinking caps!

Ephesians 6:17 - "Take the helmet of salvation
and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

Read more about Pleasantville on IMDB

The Little Gold Men Are Coming For You!

First Meeting Of THE DECODER RING 7:00pm Saturday March 4, 2006

So often when we go to the movies, we let our guard down and forget to engage the lies and spiritual confusion eminating from the silver screen.

March 4th, 2006, the night before the Oscars, marks the first meeting of
THE DECODER RING, a discipleship ministry devoted to comparing biblical principles with popular entertainment. Each session we'll examine the messages sent out by modern movies and seek God's wisdom for our response. We'll be meeting at the Calvary Chapel Burbank church office, located at 2410 West Olive Street in Burbank. Here's a link for directions:


"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

See you there!