I Know Where I Am With Him

What could I possibly say after our last screening at The Decoder Ring? I stand amazed. Amazed at the Holy Spirit for taking the reins and leading us all into one of the most genuine, spiritual, positive, productive, blessed, and deeply moving times in the Word I've ever had. I cannot thank Him enough for the power He showed us last Saturday. It was epic.

Lots of new faces graced us as we prepared for a COLLISION of worldviews: Atheism and Christianity. Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson battled it out in the marketplace of ideas for the hearts and minds of the audience, both the one on film and the one watching this documentary. Points on both sides were won and lost. But in the end, Hitchens volunteered a startling position. When proposing the scenario that he could eliminate all belief from the entire world... well, if you watched the documentary, you know where he stood. ;-)

Inevitably, debates like this one run into recycled arguments and eventually a stalemate. But where the film ended, our Bible study began. We tackled all the inconsistencies in an Anti-Theist stance, and noted several places that Pastor Wilson might have used scripture instead of secular literature as the basis of his arguments. Hard questions were asked during the discussion, and biblical answers were offered from everyone: many different angles, all positive and edifying! It was a blessing to see the church truly be the church.

We pored over the scriptures, reading words from thousands of years ago that are startlingly relevant in today's world. We opened up to the Spirit to lead us in prayer for director Darren Doane, Christopher Hitchens, and Douglas Wilson. And we basked in God's promises for everyone who seeks him. For the Bible says,

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests,
prayers, intercession and thanksgiving
be made for everyone—
for kings and all those in authority,
that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
in all godliness and holiness.
This is good, and pleases God our Savior,
who wants all men to be saved and
to come to a knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God and one mediator
between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus"
1 TIMOTHY 2:1-5


Thanks for joining us at The Decoder Ring.

See you next time!


If you want to read more from Pastor Douglas Wilson check out his website


Here is a list of the Apologetics resource books I brought to our study:


Gregory A. Boyd and Edward K. Boyd


Josh McDowell


Josh McDowell and Don Stewart


Josh McDowell and Don Stewart


Lee Strobel


Antony Flew

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great evening, Steve. I am an ardent fan of the after-movie discussion, but this one takes the cake because it had so many angles and opportunities for further discussion. Thank you for offering us the chance to hear what those with the opposing worldview hold as truth.

Strange that they use God's standard to define their standards... hmmm.

Can't wait for the next Decoder