Anyone? Anyone?

At the last DECODER RING, we were bombarded by the conservative polemic EXPELLED: NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED. The filmmakers purport that the creation-evolution debate has reached a fever pitch and all of academia is working in lock step to quash even the smallest inquiry into the validity of Darwin's theory.

We wrestled with the certitude of scientists who support biological evolution and absorbed the tales of others who have lost their positions because of Intelligent Design. Frustrations flared up after realizing that EXPELLED never fully explains the basic tenets of ID, and questions arose concerning even the definition of evolution.

This debate mirrors a lot of what is going on in our culture today. There is so much noise, yelling, name-calling, anger and vitriol that nobody is taking the time to actually engage the arguments! We too, can get caught up in our own web of propaganda, making it impossible to gently instruct.

So we stepped back from the fray, centered ourselves in God's Word, and found true peace of mind.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

For since the creation of the world
God's invisible qualities—
his eternal power and divine nature—
have been clearly seen,
being understood from what has been made,
so that men are without excuse.
All a man's ways seem right to him,
but the LORD weighs the heart.
What God revealed to us is that we need to focus on the heart of people first and foremost. Their minds are darkened and their thinking is futile without Jesus in their lives, so we need to address the real problem. The problem of the heart. By praying, fasting, loving, and speaking the word, even the most bitter, hardened heart can turn to Christ.
Look at what happened to Saul. God gave him a new heart and a new name. And Paul the Apostle, empowered by the Holy Spirit, changed the world.
So we prayed for the scientists and philosophers who oppose the truth and ask our infinitely loving and patient God to lead them to Himself. May this be our prayer, not just at every DECODER RING, but every day. See you next time!

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