What Is Left For God?

Last Saturday night we watched the exciting, controversial thriller "Angels & Demons." Tom Hanks reprised his role as Professor Robert Langdon, a symbologist on an ancient quest to follow the Path of Illumination in order to stop a modern-day terror plot. The lives of four Catholic bishops and the fate of Vatican City lie in the balance.

A much better film than its predecessor, author Dan Brown's "Angel's & Demons" showcases Ron Howard's filmmaking skill. This fast-paced story is full of twists and turns, but It also brings up questions about history, art, science and religion. So we dove right into the debate and got matchless insight from God's Word.

We learned about some of the beautiful churches, buildings, and sculptures in Rome. Incredible artwork created by the likes of Michelangelo, Raphael, and Bernini. We got into the Creation debate, and discussed the scientific work of CERN, an international particle physics laboratory making incredible discoveries. We talked about Galileo and the opposition to his views about the Earth's place in the solar system. And then we covered the history and teachings of the Catholic Church, and what it means to believers today.

Finally, we opened the Bible and read what God has to say about all of this. His Word is full of references to creation, the order of stars and planets, the natural processes on Earth, and the empirical evidence for His existence. One set of verses stuck out in particular to me, mainly because we so often only hear the first part of what God is saying:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower
and bread for the eater,
so is the word that goes out from my mouth:

It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and
and achieve the purpose
for which I sent it."
ISAIAH 55:8-11

So clearly here God tells us that we can begin to know Him by observing the natural processes He has set in motion on the earth. Paul picks up on this in the New Testament where he states,

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven
against all the godlessness and wickedness of men
who suppress the truth by their wickedness,

since what may be known about God is plain to them,
because God has made it plain to them.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—
his eternal power and divine nature—
have been clearly seen,
being understood from what has been made,
so that men are without excuse.
ROMANS 1:18-20

This is one of those times that the Bible pulls no punches. "Men are without excuse." If people can't understand that God is the Creator, they "suppress the truth by their wickedness." Thankfully, God has plenty to say about his creation all through the Bible. You can dig into the book of Job for more insight into scientific matters (JOB 26:7-10 and JOB 37:11-15). The book of Isaiah is another great resource, showing the curvature of the earth more than a thousand years before Galileo ever looked through his telescope:

"It is he who sits above the circle of the earth..."
ISAIAH 40:22

We also tackled the divisions between Protestants and Catholics, dealing with what constitutes spiritual authority in the believer's life. The Bible alone is the sole authoritative word, and each of us needs to individually read and study it carefully. Jesus alone is the Savior of the world, and a personal invitation is all He requires to transform your life. The church is full of broken, flawed people, but its goal is to spread God's love and compassion in tangible ways to the ends of the Earth.

At our closing we prayed for the talented and accomplished filmmakers and actors involved with this film; that God would intervene in their lives and they would use their gifts to honor Him.

We had a packed house this time, and I want to personally than each and every one of your for coming to THE DECODER RING. Merry Christmas! We'll see you in 2010.


my original review of Angels & Demons can be found here

my take on "The Da Vinci Code" is here

links to some of my research on "Angels & Demons":
The Truth About Angels & Demons
yahoo! movies

Science and the Bible

The Protestant Reformation

Catholic History page 1

Catholic History page 2

You're Talking About The Moment Of Creation

rated PG13
(for violence and thematic material)

Written By
Dan Brown (novel)
David Koepp and Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)

Directed by
Ron Howard

Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor, Ayelet Zurer,
Stellan SkarsgÄrd, and Armin Mueller-Stahl

"In the beginning,
God created the heavens and the earth."

Join us
in the Chapel Room at


I'd like to thank everyone who was involved in making our last DECODER RING such a blessing for everyone who attended. Derek, Doug, Blake, Brian, Heather, David, and Suanne. A special thank you to our honored guest, producer and writer Brian Bird. We had a wonderful time watching a fine Christian film on a big screen and having a delightful Question & Answer session afterward.

"The Last Sin Eater" concerns an ancient ritual where one person selected from a community supposedly eats the sins away from one who has died. Remarkably, what this Sin Eater consumes in the ceremony is bread and wine! So close, yet so far from the truth. When a Man of God enters the community, he does a fair bit of preaching. But upon noticing that his young listener doesn't understand what he's saying, he stops mid-sermon, sits down next to her, and simply asks, "Why are you so heavy burdened, child?"

Producer Brian Bird talked about the need for an authentic witness to the world. And especially in Hollywood, you better not only know the truth, but be a hard worker and do a good job so that your words match your actions. Then it's your choice who to give the glory to. When people see the quality of your work and the attitude of your heart, they will ask questions! Questions that will ultimately lead them to Jesus.

We had an amazing turnout last meeting, and we hope to do another special screening like this next year. Please continue to pray for Brian Bird and Michael Landon, Jr., their company Believe Pictures, and that the right projects receive funding so God's word can be spread to all the nations.

Thanks again for coming to THE DECODER RING. See you next time.



Brian Bird

Producer and Co-Writer

Liana Liberato, Louise Fletcher,
Elizabeth Lackey, A.J. Buckley,
Stewart Finlay-McLennan,
Henry Thomas

Join us
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14th at 7:00pm
in the Chapel Room at
Calvary Chapel Burbank

This event is FREE, but
seating is limited!

Tickets available at
Calvary Chapel Burbank
or contact Steve Kwant at


coming soon to a DECODER RING near you...

A Special Event is in the works for

Mark The Date

More details to follow.

Let's Talk About What This Case Is Really All About.

Andrew Beckett is a lawyer.
Andrew Beckett has AIDS.
Andrew Beckett was fired.
Andrew Beckett is dying.

Andrew Beckett is gay.

These five points are driven home in the emotional drama PHILADELPHIA. The first mainstream Hollywood movie to address AIDS, it was lavished with praise, did well at the box office, and earned Tom Hanks his first Academy Award for Best Actor. But is there more to this sobering tale? Is there an agenda behind this acclaimed film?

Of course there is.

Like many of us, I grew up with a heightened awareness of AIDS. I was taught that anyone could get it and we were all at high risk. I saw actors wearing the ubiquitous Red Ribbon, saw the pamphlets that read "AIDS does not discriminate" and was forced to have an AIDS test prior to marrying my wife. Magazine covers, television specials, political marches, all broadcasting the same thing: AIDS is everywhere. And you could be next.

Since 1981, AIDS has killed more than 25 million people. This horrifying tragic disease has predominantly struck Africa, with its poor hospitals and uneducated population. But there is another high-risk group that AIDS is most commonly associated with. Homosexuals.

Yes, there have been other cases of AIDS in heterosexual men and women (rare), mother to child (very rare) and from blood transfusions (almost non-existent in developed countries). But despite all of the hype and hysteria, time has proven and the facts have shown that homosexual men, along with intravenous drug users, are the only ones with significant risk of this infections disease. Yet if you show the slightest resistance to this extremely risky behavior, you will be attacked.

Those who personally do not agree with or endorse homosexuality are said to be suffering from "homophobia."
Homophobia is a term that has been manufactured by proponents of homosexuality to disparage their opponents. Originally used to describe those who fear homosexuals, this buzzword now encompasses anyone who opposes homosexuality and the "gay rights" agenda. But a label is not an argument.

Another tactic is to try and equate homosexuals with other minority groups, like those of different races. On the surface this may seem like a decent argument, but there are two facets to this position that break down upon examination.

First, homosexuals cannot be seen in the same light as other minority groups that are defined by their ancestry (i.e.; of Asian or Jewish descent). Think about it. Homosexuals are the only people in the world who want special status based solely on their behavior.

The second and obvious point is that homosexuals cannot procreate. A homosexual would have to be from a line of homosexuals who somehow gave birth to other homosexuals to create a family of homosexuals. This is biologically impossible, and of course, patently absurd. Yet the case continues to be made.

People in the church have been understandably uneasy when confronted with this subject matter. Because of our politically correct culture, most are silent about it. An extremely small percentage have been hateful and divisive. But what is God's response? How are we to deal with these difficult issues without compromising our values? Thankfully, the Bible is not lacking in guidance from the Lord. When questioned by the religious leaders of that day as to why Jesus was hanging out with "sinners," the Bible tells us:

"On hearing this, Jesus said to them,
It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
MARK 2:17

That's the key right there. So often we commit the sin of Moralizing. Expecting others to change before they come to Jesus. The Bible clearly tells us,

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

One might read these passages and conclude that God does not care about sin. But that is not true! Scripture always contains a balance, even if it is harsh to take in:

"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts
to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie,
and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—
who is forever praised. Amen.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.
Even their women exchanged natural relations
for unnatural ones.

In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations
with women and were inflames with lust for one another.
Men committed indecent acts with other men,
and received in them the due penalty for their perversion."
ROMANS 1:24-27

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters
nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers
nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Sobering words. Notice how it's not just homosexuals in that list. But the Bible doesn't leave us there. God always gives us hope! Read the verse that comes right after that one:

"And that is what some of you were.
But you were washed, you were sanctified,
you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the Spirit of our God."

God created you. He knows you want to change. But you can't change apart from Him; apart from God's power. That's why he sent His son Jesus to take our sin upon Himself, to "be sin" for us, so when we ask Jesus into our heart and life, God won't see our sin any longer. He will only see the righteousness of Jesus. Now that is real hope!

Take these verses to heart. I pray that you always balance truth and love in all of your interactions with others, no matter what they struggle with. And keep praying! God wants to move and change the hearts of everyone.

Take care, and we'll see you next time at The Decoder Ring.

Explain It To Me Like I'm A 2 Year Old

rated PG13
(adult themes and situations, language)

Written By
Ron Nyswaner

Directed By
Jonathon Demme

Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Jason Robards,
Antonio Banderas, Mary Steenburgen, Bradley Whitford

Although they know God's righteous decree
that those who do such things deserve death,
they not only continue to do these very things
but also approve of those who practice them.


Watch and discuss
at 7:00pm
at the Chapel Room at

Our Church Is At War.

Dan Brown’s original novel Angels & Demons, (the first Robert Langdon adventure, technically a prequel) has been adapted as a sequel to the filmed version of The Da Vinci Code. As with that book, this one continues to be plagued with historical inaccuracies, outright fiction, and hostility to Catholicism, all under the guise of a find-the-next-clue thriller.

This time around, the character of Robert Langdon (played again by Tom Hanks) has changed. Formerly reserved and somewhat helpless, he’s become more hands-on and cocky, with an air of smugness about him. He knows more about Vatican procedures than the security forces do, and whenever he’s asked a question, his “you mean you don’t know that?” facial expression comes out. He fast-tracks through fake history and espouses baseless assertions against the Church, without anyone challenging his statements. They have to be facts of course, because he’s the expert!

Commander Richter is in charge of Vatican security, and he comes across as removed and unlikable, questioning Hank’s character at every turn. At one point he scorns Langdon saying something like, “My church feeds the poor, shelters the homeless and cares for the sick. What does your church do? Oh, that’s right. You don’t have one.” A good comeback to be sure, but one that showcases his character as mean-spirited and arrogant.

Vittoria Vetra is a beautiful scientist (are there any other kind?) who’s job apparently is to back up Robert Langdon and agree with everything he says. She’s credible, but not given much to do.

Then you’ve got Cardinal Strauss, the stereotypical leader of the church, aloof and uncaring, who only wants to grasp authority. When requested by a priest to clear the crowd of people out of St. Peter’s Square because of the bomb threat, the Cardinal responds by saying something like “we’re all going to heaven some day, sooner or later.” Ooh, I get it! Leaders in the church don’t care if innocent people die. As long as the Church’s image is upheld.

No doubt bowing to Hollywood pressure to be Politically Correct, the novel’s villain, a Muslim, in the film has been turned into of all things, a Danish Terrorist. That’s right. Danish. Because I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard about Danish Terrorists in the news.

And finally we get to the one priest who appears to be well-meaning, progressive, and reasonable. The Camerlengo Patrick McKenna, played superbly by Ewan McGregor. Wow! Someone in the church we can actually like. He’s smart, boyishly handsome, has well thought-out ideas and argues in a direct yet concerned way. He questions authority and pleads with the other priests to be more open and transparent. He actually seems to care, and we as the audience are meant to like him.

SPOILER (drag below with your cursor to reveal):
Of course, he turns out to be the villain.
(Gee, I didn’t see that one coming!)

As expected, we get the usual barbs against the Church:

-they didn’t allow the use of the English language at mass
because it was “too free thinking.”

-the Church adopted pagan holidays to
“make conversion less of a shock.”

-the Church has, and continues to suppress, Science.

-press releases from the Vatican are patently false.

Then there are specific scenes to drive the author’s point of view home:

-Dialogue in the Vatican archives where a representative tells Langdon that the Church is “not a corporation” ending with a shot of the hood ornament on a Church-owned Mercedes.

-Church members having arguments with non-believers in the Square over “stem cell research.” Of course, we aren’t told what KIND of stem cell research, just that believers are blanket-against it.

-A discussion concluding that the Church is desperate to prevent the Illuminati from acquiring antimatter because “if Science is allowed to claim the power of creation, then what is left for God?”

And finally some completely fabricated “facts” and “history”:

-The Illuminati were seekers of “scientific truth”
(They weren’t, they just didn’t want to support the Catholic Church)

-There was a purge of the Illuminati (La Purga) by the Church in 1668
(this never happened, as these Illuminati were founded in 1776)

-That Galileo was a member of the Illuminati.
(He wasn’t)

-That antimatter exists in large quantities.
(It doesn’t)

There is actually one good line in the movie that co-screenwriter David Koepp added (he also used it in the last Indiana Jones movie). Asked if he believed in God, Robert Langdon eventually replies, “Faith is a gift I that have yet to receive.” No truer word in this film has been spoken.

So there you have it. Another movie treat from agnostic novelists and secular Hollywood, engineered to go down like hot buttered popcorn. Of course, like that popular movie snack, at the end of the night it might make your stomach sour. And if movies like this are all you consume, you’re bound to get sick. Enjoy!

For more information on the discussions surrounding Angels & Demons, click here.

We'll be revisiting the film this fall at THE DECODER RING.

And That Is What They Want You To Believe

When people don't believe in God,
it's not that they believe in nothing,
it's that they believe in anything.

Nothing could be truer of the publishing and cinematic phenomenon known as "The Da Vinci Code." Dan Brown's tale of secret societies and ancient conspiracies has tickled the eyes and ears of millions. The novel went on to be a worldwide best seller. The film became the third highest grossing picture of 2006. And the follow-up, "Angels & Demons" arrives in theaters Friday May 15th.

One thing is certain. "The Da Vinci Code" has struck a nerve.

But with a little research, the truth comes to light. And believers can take heart. That's what we did at the last meeting of THE DECODER RING. We took a mini Art History class on Leonardo Da Vinci and his most famous works. We studied through the actual history of the church, including how the books were selected for inclusion into the New Testament, and who, when, and where that was decided. And finally, we tracked down the supposed proof for the existence of The Priory of Sion and the history of Jesus' bloodline, finding that it was planted in a museum a few decades ago, and has been proven to be complete fabrication.

We discovered that the lies told in the book and movie are centuries old, but they've been packaged together in an exciting new way. We learned that false beliefs about Jesus started even while the New Testament was being written! And the Bible predicted more false teachers would come:

"But there were also false prophets among the people,
just as there will be false teachers among you.
They will secretly introduce destructive heresies,
even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—
bringing swift destruction on themselves."
2 PETER 2:1

Hundreds of years after the original gospels were written, spurious and false "gospels" started making the rounds. Gnostics of every persuasion began warping basic Christian tenets. And falsehood started to spread. The recent "discovery" of the so-called Gospel of Judas, as well as interest in other ancient texts that give an "alternate" (false) view of Christian history, has only added fuel to the fire.

When I first read the book and saw the movie, I wrote about it in this post. "The Da Vinci Code" offers a completely fictional account of church history, clever fabrication of ancient history, and a view of Jesus that totally strips Him of his divinity. It has its believers and its detractors, and an audience of millions. How should a Christian respond?

Oddly enough, with hope.

You see, people are hungry for God, yet they keep getting fed all the wrong food. Every time some new "controversial" book, movie, TV show, or song comes out that touches on God in an offensive way, it gains a lot of attention.

What an opportunity to share the gospel.

More likely than not, you've encountered someone who has read or seen "The Da Vinci Code" or Dan Brown's other Robert Langdon thriller "Angels & Demons." So study up. Read the Bible. Talk about it. God can't wait to take someone's interest in spiritual things and lead them to Himself.

Oh, and God loves Dan Brown, Ron Howard, Brian Grazer, Akiva Goldsman, Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen, and Audrey Tautou as well. Pray for them!

See you next time at THE DECODER RING.

What Really Matters Is What You Believe


rated PG13
(violence, brief nudity, disturbing images)

From the worldwide #1 best-selling novel
"The Da Vinci Code"
written by
Dan Brown

Written for the screen by
Akiva Goldsman

Directed by
Ron Howard

Watch and discuss
SATURDAY, MAY 9th at 7:00pm
at the Chapel Room at

He must hold firmly
to the trustworthy message
as it has been taught,
so that he can encourage others
by sound doctrine
and refute those who oppose it.

She's not asking for God's help. She's asking for mine.

I stand here amazed, yet again, by the power of God's Word.

At our last DECODER RING, we witnessed the moving story of fictional boxer Maggie Fitzgerald in Clint Eastwood's Academy Award winning MILLION DOLLAR BABY

and drive brought Maggie out of her poor upbringings. Persistence led to a reluctant trainer coming aboard. But it is her character that really shines through, transforming the lives of everyone around her. And just as Maggie reaches the height of her prowess... tragedy strikes. It is in her response to this horrific event that the unfortunate agenda behind this film is revealed.

We engaged the true, hidden message behind MILLION DOLLAR BABY: the controversy surrounding Assisted Suicide, also referred to as Euthanasia. This is one of the toughest subjects to tackle, because there are so many questions: What about pain and suffering? How do you determine Quality Of Life?
And what about a patient's choice? Who ultimately is in charge of a person's life?

In MILLION DOLLAR BABY, we are led down a path that would have us believe there is no other option for a person in this situation. And eventually, this leads to the supposedly compassionate decision to help that person kill themselves.

If we go the way of the world, we will only run into confusion and deceit. So we turned to God's Word, the only light of truth in this dark age, to clarify our response. God has made it abundantly clear in the scriptures that we belong to Him:

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,

who is in you, whom you have received from God?

You are not your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your body.


"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,

what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.

Is not life more important than food,

and the body more important than clothes?

Look at the birds of the air;

they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,

and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not much more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

MATTHEW 6:25-27

God loves us! And He holds us in the highest regard, far above dogs or birds.
Ultimately, Christ paid the price for our sin and brought us into a right relationship with God. This is not some far-off, remote creator, looking down on us as we writhe in pain and suffering. Instead, His suffering proves to us that he understands what we are going through.

For we do not have a high priest who is unable

to sympathize with our weaknesses,

but we have one who has been tempted in every way,

just as we are—yet was without sin.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence,

so that we may receive mercy and find grace

to help us in our time of need.
HEBREWS 4:15-16

This ultimate sacrifice should move our hearts to minister to those we know who are suffering. If God loved us so much that He sent his son to suffer and die for us, shouldn't our response be to care for others? In fact, James puts it rather bluntly:

What good is it, my brothers,

if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?

Can such faith save him?

Suppose a brother or sister is without

clothes and daily food.

If one of you says to him,

"Go, I wish you well;

keep warm and well fed,"

but does nothing about his physical needs,

what good is it?

In the same way, faith by itself,
if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

JAMES 2:14-17

Thank the LORD that Jesus knows our needs and gives us strength to face the most difficult of trials. Nothing that happens in our lives is meaningless and random. God is using it all to glorify Himself and He will provide us everything we need to face life's challenges. What a great reminder, and an even greater Savior!

As is our tradition and focus, we ended our time by lifting up the cast and crew, especially writer/producer Paul Haggis, in prayer. May God lead all these talented people to Jesus, so they can use their gifts to bring honor and glory to Him.

See you next time at THE DECODER RING.

I Do Have One Favor To Ask Of You, Boss.


rated PG13
(mature themes, violence, language)

Directed By
Clint Eastwood

Written By
Paul Haggis


Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman,
Jay Baruchel, Mike Colter, Lucia Rijker, Brian F. O'Byrne,
Anthony Mackie, Margo Martindale

"Do you not know that your body
is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
whom you have received from God?
You are not your own;
you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your body."

Join us
in the Chapel Room
at Calvary Chapel Burbank

So Help Me God.

At our last DECODER RING, we watched the 1996 Christian documentary VICTORY IN SPITE OF ALL TERROR. This feature is in three parts: First, the founding and early history of America guided by biblical principles; Second the immoral path our country has fallen into since that time; and Third, a call to return to the Godly purpose for our land.

We sifted through the overwhelming amount of information presented. We sorted out the truth from the hype. Finally, we got to the core of the matter: that we need to be on our knees praying every day for our nation, our leaders, and our president.

The election of Barack Obama has caused strong reactions on both sides. Some see his rise to our most powerful office as a triumph to be celebrated, and they hold a new found optimism for our country's future. Others have serious reservations about his views and agendas, and are concerned about the direction America is headed.

Regardless of where you stand, he is our president. And he needs our prayers. Prayers for his safety, for wisdom, humility and restraint. Prayers for our other elected leaders, and our country as a whole.

And it is on us to be vigilant and watchful over our heritage and freedoms, and participate in a respectful, Godly manner to preserve Christian values in this country.

God bless all of you.

And Jesus, forgive our sins.