Andrew Beckett has AIDS.
Andrew Beckett was fired.
Andrew Beckett is dying.
Andrew Beckett is gay.
These five points are driven home in the emotional drama PHILADELPHIA. The first mainstream Hollywood movie to address AIDS, it was lavished with praise, did well at the box office, and earned Tom Hanks his first Academy Award for Best Actor. But is there more to this sobering tale? Is there an agenda behind this acclaimed film?
Of course there is.
Like many of us, I grew up with a heightened awareness of AIDS. I was taught that anyone could get it and we were all at high risk. I saw actors wearing the ubiquitous Red Ribbon, saw the pamphlets that read "AIDS does not discriminate" and was forced to have an AIDS test prior to marrying my wife. Magazine covers, television specials, political marches, all broadcasting the same thing: AIDS is everywhere. And you could be next.
Since 1981, AIDS has killed more than 25 million people. This horrifying tragic disease has predominantly struck Africa, with its poor hospitals and uneducated population. But there is another high-risk group that AIDS is most commonly associated with. Homosexuals.
Yes, there have been other cases of AIDS in heterosexual men and women (rare), mother to child (very rare) and from blood transfusions (almost non-existent in developed countries). But despite all of the hype and hysteria, time has proven and the facts have shown that homosexual men, along with intravenous drug users, are the only ones with significant risk of this infections disease. Yet if you show the slightest resistance to this extremely risky behavior, you will be attacked.
Those who personally do not agree with or endorse homosexuality are said to be suffering from "homophobia." Homophobia is a term that has been manufactured by proponents of homosexuality to disparage their opponents. Originally used to describe those who fear homosexuals, this buzzword now encompasses anyone who opposes homosexuality and the "gay rights" agenda. But a label is not an argument.
Another tactic is to try and equate homosexuals with other minority groups, like those of different races. On the surface this may seem like a decent argument, but there are two facets to this position that break down upon examination.
First, homosexuals cannot be seen in the same light as other minority groups that are defined by their ancestry (i.e.; of Asian or Jewish descent). Think about it. Homosexuals are the only people in the world who want special status based solely on their behavior.
The second and obvious point is that homosexuals cannot procreate. A homosexual would have to be from a line of homosexuals who somehow gave birth to other homosexuals to create a family of homosexuals. This is biologically impossible, and of course, patently absurd. Yet the case continues to be made.
People in the church have been understandably uneasy when confronted with this subject matter. Because of our politically correct culture, most are silent about it. An extremely small percentage have been hateful and divisive. But what is God's response? How are we to deal with these difficult issues without compromising our values? Thankfully, the Bible is not lacking in guidance from the Lord. When questioned by the religious leaders of that day as to why Jesus was hanging out with "sinners," the Bible tells us:
It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
MARK 2:17
That's the key right there. So often we commit the sin of Moralizing. Expecting others to change before they come to Jesus. The Bible clearly tells us,
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
One might read these passages and conclude that God does not care about sin. But that is not true! Scripture always contains a balance, even if it is harsh to take in:
"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts
to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie,
and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—
who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.
Even their women exchanged natural relations
for unnatural ones.
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations
with women and were inflames with lust for one another.
Men committed indecent acts with other men,
and received in them the due penalty for their perversion."
ROMANS 1:24-27
"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters
nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers
nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
Sobering words. Notice how it's not just homosexuals in that list. But the Bible doesn't leave us there. God always gives us hope! Read the verse that comes right after that one:
"And that is what some of you were.
But you were washed, you were sanctified,
you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the Spirit of our God."
God created you. He knows you want to change. But you can't change apart from Him; apart from God's power. That's why he sent His son Jesus to take our sin upon Himself, to "be sin" for us, so when we ask Jesus into our heart and life, God won't see our sin any longer. He will only see the righteousness of Jesus. Now that is real hope!
Take these verses to heart. I pray that you always balance truth and love in all of your interactions with others, no matter what they struggle with. And keep praying! God wants to move and change the hearts of everyone.
Take care, and we'll see you next time at The Decoder Ring.