Director Shane Acker won an Academy award for his animated short film of the same name. Now expanded into a feature length story, the ideas and designs can really flourish. Shane pulls from so many sources that they don't always fit together coherently, causing confusion in this visually compelling world.
Where the lines do seem to be drawn, however, is between the character "1" who represents the old religious order of things, and "9" who represents the uninformed and idealistic new. Throughout the film, Squinty-eyed "1" is portrayed as a heartless, fearful tyrant, and wide-eyed "9" glows with courage and skepticism. There is a point in the story where the religious attire of "1" gets caught in a bind, and "9" tells him, "You have to let it go!" Later, as they walk away from the danger, "1" looks on as his sanctuary, an old church, burns in the background. And then they all move on.
At THE DECODER RING, we focused on this concept of moving on, letting go of the supposed trappings of the past. We discussed Secular Humanism and its belief that mankind is perfectible. Then we moved to Postmodernism, where truth can be custom-tailored to each person individually. Skepticism, where everything in life is questioned ad nauseum (except for questioning Skepticism, of course!)
And, due to the filmmakers expressed intent to make the story ambiguous and open-ended, we finally settled on Deconstructionism, where regardless of the creator's intent and design, the audience breaks down all the elements presented to them to create their own meaning.
This lingering mindset prevails today. And it creates confusion when messages are received by the masses. It deceives people by robbing them of the truth regarding the message-maker's influences, agenda, and intent. In effect, all opinions are valid because their is no foundation of truth to rest upon.
Ah, but there is! Praise God that He's given us his Word. I remember the old song, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand." God gives us the security we need to stand sure-footed in this ever-shifting world.
Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching,
you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free."
JOHN 8:31b-32
you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free."
JOHN 8:31b-32
At the end of our time we stopped and prayed for the filmmakers, cast and crew. All of these talented people have done amazing work, and we asked the LORD to call them to Himself so they can use their gifts to honor Him and share his message of salvation and grace with the world.
Thanks again for joining us at THE DECODER RING. See you next time.
Thanks again for joining us at THE DECODER RING. See you next time.